Cosmetic Dentist Procedures

Anyone who desires a more beautiful smile is a candidate for cosmetic dental procedures. However, these treatments are elective and not typically covered by dental insurance.

When choosing a cosmetic dentist, look for one with experience in the field. Ask about their education, credentials, and memberships in professional organizations. Also, request a portfolio of before and after photos. Contact Las Vegas Cosmetic Dentist now!

Dental implants are generally viewed as therapeutic treatments but can also provide cosmetic benefits. The implant replaces the lost tooth’s root, which helps keep the jaw healthy and prevents bone tissue breakdown that can lead to changes in the shape of the face. It is also a more permanent solution than bridgework or dentures, and it doesn’t require the use of adhesives to stay in place.

The procedure begins by removing the gum tissue above the site of the missing tooth and then creating a hole in the jaw to accommodate the titanium implant post. The surgeon will then attach the implant to the jawbone, which heals around it. The dentist can then create an artificial crown for the implant, which is indistinguishable from a patient’s natural teeth.

Some patients are not good candidates for dental implants, and the dentist will need to review the patient’s general health before determining whether this treatment is right for them. People with chronic illnesses like diabetes or leukemia or who smoke cigarettes may not be able to undergo the surgery, as these conditions can interfere with the healing process.

Once the implant has been completed, patients must take care of it as they would their natural teeth, including brushing twice a day and flossing regularly. The dentist will instruct patients to schedule regular appointments and to call immediately if they experience pain or something feels off with the implant. This will help ensure that the restoration is properly maintained and can last a lifetime. The dentist can also remove the implant if necessary and provide a replacement. This will usually require less time and expense than the original treatment.

Dental bonding is an inexpensive cosmetic dental procedure that is a popular treatment for a variety of issues. It uses a tooth-colored composite resin to repair chipped or cracked teeth, close spaces between teeth, and brighten discolored teeth. A dentist can shape and polish the composite resin so that it blends in with neighboring teeth for a natural look. Bonding is less invasive than a filling or crown because it requires little to no removal of tooth enamel.

A cosmetic dentist will start by selecting a color for the composite resin that closely matches the shade of your natural tooth. They will then roughen the surface of your tooth and apply a conditioning liquid to help the resin stick. Next, they will apply and mold the resin onto your existing tooth and sculpt it to repair the problem. The dentist will finally harden the resin with a bright light. Once it has cooled, they will further trim and shape the composite and then polish it for the ideal appearance.

Unlike veneers or crowns, which require extensive preparation and must be custom-made by a laboratory, bonding is quick and minimally invasive. The dentist can typically perform a bonding procedure in about an hour or less per tooth. However, patients are advised to avoid activities such as nail-biting and ice chewing, which can break or chip the resin, and limit their intake of foods that stain, like coffee or berries.

Bonding can last for four to eight years, but it is not as durable as the natural tooth and may require replacement or touch-ups in some cases. Brushing, flossing, and regular dental cleanings can help prolong the life of your teeth bonding.

Cosmetic dentistry is a $3.2 billion industry, and one of the most popular treatments is teeth whitening. This simple process brightens natural teeth, removing stains and discoloration and making them more vibrant. Many people choose to have their natural teeth whitened after they get their dental work done because it can help the crowns, veneers, and fillings look better against a more natural background.

Before a person has their teeth whitened, a dentist will examine their mouth to make sure they are healthy enough for this treatment. Then, they will put a protective gel or shield over the gums to protect them from the bleaching agent. The whitening products used by cosmetic dentists usually contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, which breaks down the stain and discoloration in the teeth, making them lighter.

The results of whitening last for months, sometimes even years, though it is important to maintain a good oral hygiene routine, avoid eating or drinking deeply colored foods and drinks, and schedule regular cleanings. Cosmetic dentists also recommend avoiding smoking and using an over-the-counter touch-up product for any minor stains that may occur.

Resin composite, also known as veneers, are thin porcelain laminates that cover a single tooth or multiple teeth to improve the appearance of a smile. These veneers can repair chips, cracks, discoloration, and gaps between teeth. A cosmetic dentist will take a mold of the patient’s teeth and then create a model of their smile to help them pick out a color that will best match their surrounding teeth. They will also polish away some of the teeth’s enamel to ensure that the veneer fits perfectly and is not too thick or too fragile.

Porcelain veneers are thin shells that are custom designed to fit the front surface of each tooth. They are used to mask the appearance of chips, gaps, stains, and other cosmetic issues that may be impacting your smile. The porcelain used for veneers matches the color, translucency, and texture of natural teeth. Veneers can address the same types of issues as bonding, but they offer more strength and durability. This treatment is a good option for patients who want to hide discolored or chipped teeth, but it is not the best choice for people with very dark stains.

Veneers can also be used to correct crooked teeth. They are more effective than braces or aligners because they cover the entire surface of the tooth and can mask minor misalignment. However, veneers are not a solution for severe crookedness. If you have crooked teeth, your dentist will design custom veneers that match the shade and shape of your other natural teeth to give you a straighter smile.

Cosmetic veneers are made to look like your natural teeth, and with proper care, they can last for up to 20 years. However, since they are applied directly to the natural tooth enamel, you must commit to maintaining a healthy dental regimen in order for them to last. This includes brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing once a day, and attending regular dental appointments.

Porcelain veneers can help you have a healthier, more attractive smile that boosts your confidence. While some dental procedures require months of treatments to see results, veneers provide quick and noticeable improvements that can dramatically improve your smile. Plus, they are less expensive than other cosmetic treatments. If you’re concerned about the cost of porcelain veneers, discuss your payment options with your dentist. There are many credit facilities that will work with you to make veneers affordable.

Gum rejuvenation is a surgical procedure that can improve your smile’s appearance and help prevent other dental complications. A cosmetic dentist can use this procedure to reshape your gum line and correct two common problems: the “long tooth look” and the “gummy smile.” Gum reshaping creates symmetry from one side of your mouth to the other. This treatment also reduces or adds gum tissue as needed, which gives your teeth the support they need and helps them appear more natural.

A variety of factors can cause your gums to recede, including aggressive tooth brushing, periodontal disease, age, and misaligned bites. Receding gums expose your roots to harmful bacteria and increase the likelihood of severe dental complications. A cosmetic dentist can perform a surgical procedure called pinhole gum rejuvenation to restore gum tissue damaged by these conditions.

This minimally invasive technique requires the administration of local anesthesia around the area before beginning the process. After your gums are numb, the cosmetic dentist removes excess pockets of tissue. He or she may also reshape the gum line to eliminate gaps and overlapping.

After your gum reshaping, it’s essential to follow the doctor’s instructions for recovery. You may experience some discomfort, but over-the-counter pain relievers should help minimize this sensation. You should also eat soft foods, avoid chewing hard items, and rinse with an alcohol-free mouthwash to help the healing process.